Distribution of Tract Ceramics by Period

These plots are the first versions to come out of ArcView and will improved in time.

Legend:Black is 0; Blue is 1;Green is 2-5; Yellow is 6-9; Red is >10.

Middle Helladic to Late Helladic 1
All middle-helladic sherds from tracts as well as all LH1 sherds and all sherds dated as MH-LH1. Sherds dated from MH-LH are not included so that the distinction with the LH3 distribution is clearer.
Late Helladic 3
All late-helladic 3 sherds from tracts.
Submycenaean through Geometric
All sherds from tracts dated to the submycenaean, protogeometric, or geometric periods.
Archaic, and only archaic sherds, from tracts.
Archaic and Classical
Archaic sherds, classical sherds, and sherds that could be either from tracts.
Classical sherds, and only classical sherds, from tracts.
Hellenistic and late hellenistic sherds from tracts.
Roman sherds, including ER, MR, and LR, from tracts.
Late Roman
Late Roman sherds from tracts.
Byzantine sherds from tracts. This does not include the sherds called "Medieval."