Alessandro Barchiesi
Peter Bing
Marco Fantuzzi
Kathryn Gutzwiller
William Johnson
Ann Kuttner
Nita Krevans
Frank Nisetich
Dirk Obbink
Alex Sens
David Sider
Susan Stephens
Andrew Stewart
Dorothy Thompson


NOVEMBER 7-9, 2002
A conference at the University of Cincinnati
The speakers addressed the papyrological, philological, literary, historical, and art historical aspects of this new collection of Hellenistic epigrams.

These conference pages will remain online as an archive. The bibliography will continue to be updated.


Accommodations and meetings:
Vernon Manor Hotel, 400 Oak Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
For reservations call: 800-543-3999 and ask for conference rate. Graduate students may request list of alternate accommodations.
Registration, including buffet breakfast, lunch and coffee:
$60 ($30 students).
Inquiries about registration, accommodations, and transportation should be addressed to:
Brian Sowers (
Other inquiries to: Kathryn Gutzwiller, organizer (

The Posidippus conference has been featured in National Geographic